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The 2019 Annual Meeting of China Society of Emerging Economies and the 7th Emerging Economies Forum held in Guangzhou(2019-11-9)
2019-12-09 16:18:00

The 2019 Annual Meeting of China Society of Emerging Economies
and the 7th Emerging Economies Forum held in Guangzhou

On November 9-10, 2019, the 2019 Annual Meeting of China Society of Emerging Economies and the 7th Emerging Economies Forum was held in Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center. Nearly 100 experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities, research institutions, social organizations, government departments, industrial and commercial enterprises and news media conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the theme of "Institutional Openness and High-Quality Development of BRI". IWEP Director and Senior Fellow Zhang Yuyan delivered a special report on "Profound Changes Unseen in a Century and the Study of Emerging Economies".

The Emerging Economies Forum is held annually, for seven sessions in a row by now. It has grown into a platform for academic exchanges and a think tank of emerging markets and developing economies with increasing international influence.