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  • China & World Economy
China & World Economy is an academic journal in the field of economics that is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and sponsored by the Institute of World Economics and Politics. It is a comprehensive international academic publication. It is recognized as an authoritative journal by the Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Evaluation (AMI) (see "Evaluation Report of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal AMI (2022)") and is referred to as "China's most influential academic journal" (see "China Academic Journal International Citation Annual Report" jointly released by CNKI and Tsinghua University Library). In 2024, the journal's impact factor according to Clarivate Analytics' Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) was 2.9, ranking in the first quartile(Q1).
  • Editorial Notice
The Report on the International & Domestic Citation of China’s English Academic Journals (2019) and Annual Report for International Citation of Chinese Academic Journals (2019) were both released in October 2019. In the humanities and social sciences arena, China & World Economy was evaluated as the Second most internationally influential journal published in China and the Second most influential English journal published in China. China & World Economy has been listed on Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) since 2005 and Thompson Scientific's Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) since 2006. The journal’s impact factor raised quickly in the past ten years and is now locating in the medium influence group within the SSCI society.