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  China & World Economy is an academic journal in the field of economics that is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and sponsored by the Institute of World Economics and Politics. It is a comprehensive international academic publication. It is recognized as an authoritative journal by the Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Evaluation (AMI) (see "Evaluation Report of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal AMI (2022)") and is referred to as "China's most influential academic journal" (see "China Academic Journal International Citation Annual Report" jointly released by CNKI and Tsinghua University Library). In 2024, the journal's impact factor according to Clarivate Analytics' Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) was 2.9, ranking in the first quartile(Q1).
  China & World Economy was founded in 1993 and is the earliest English academic journal in the field of economics in China. It has been committed to promoting research related to the Chinese economy and its interaction with the world economy across the international and domestic academic communities. The journal is published bimonthly and adopts a double-blind peer review process. It provides high-quality, original academic research findings and in-depth policy discussions on important and frontier issues in the Chinese economy to the academic community and the international society. The journal adheres to academic theories, empirical evidence, and international language to summarize China's development experience, comprehensively interprets China's development practices, and contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to global development. The authors of the journal include top academic institutions,influential international organizations, and think tanks both domestically and internationally, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.It serves as an important platform for international academic discussions on China's economic issues. At the same time, the journal has a large readership both internationally and domestically and has attracted extensive attention from international and domestic academic communities, think tanks, and government departments.