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2012-07-25 22:33:00

  LANG Ping 
Senior Fellow. Ph.D. of Law. 
   Director of Security Studies Division.
   Tel/Fax: +0086-10-65126105; Email:

Graduate School of CASS, Beijing. Ph.D. in International Relations, 2014.
University of International Relations, Beijing. Master in International Relations, 1999.
Tianjin University, Tianjin. B.A. in English, June 1993.

Professional Experience
Visiting Researcher, Asian Studies Program, Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2013- 2014.
Senior Fellow, Department of International Politics, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Beijing, 2009 - present.
Assistant Researcher, Department of International Politics, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Beijing, 2003 - 2009.
Program Officer, Department of International Cooperation, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Beijing, 1999 - 2003.

Selected Articles on Cyber in Chinese:
Lang, Ping. 2018. Formation of International Order in Cyberspace. Quarterly Journal of International Politics, (1): 25-54.
Lang, Ping. 2018. A Comparative Analysis of Global Cyber Governance Institutions. Strategic Policy Studies (2): 89-104.
Lang, Ping. 2017. The Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Internet Governance from the Perspective of Global Governance. Contemporary International Relations, (4): 47-53.
Lang, Ping. 2017. How to Understand the Multi-stakeholder Approach to Internet Governance. Journal of Cyber Affairs (Journal of Shantou University Humanities & Social Sciences Edition), (9): 75-81.
Lang, Ping. 2016. The Definition, Understandings and Responses of Cyberterrorism. Information Security Studies, (10): 882-887.
Lang, Ping. 2016. Internet Governance: Challenges, Trends, and China’s Response. International Economic Review, (2): 127-141.
Lang, Ping. 2014. Global Cyber Norms: A New Field of Competition for Major Powers. Global Review, (6): 138-152.
Lang, Ping. 2013. Cyber Security: An Emerging Issue on Global Agenda. Journal of International Security Studies, (1): 128-141.
Lang, Ping. 2000. Impact of Internet on World Economy. International Economic Review 5-6: 25-28.

Selected Articles on Trade-Peace in Chinese
Lang, Ping. 2016. An Analysis of the Effect of Regional Trade Institutions on Peace: A Developing Country Perspective. Contemporary Asia Studies, (3): 37-61.
Lang, Ping. 2015. Peace Effect of Regional Economic Integration: Path Analysis and East Asia Lessons. Strategic Policy Studies, (5): 3-16.
Lang Ping. 2014. Ways Out of Security Dilemma for Regional Economic Organizations: A Case Study of SAARC. Journal of International Security Studies, (6): 65-81.
Lang, Ping. 2012. The Political Cooperation under RTA for Developing Countries. World Economics and Politics 384 (8): 129-148.
Lang, Ping. 2010. When Do Commercial Institutions Promote Peace: A Case Study of ECOWAS. World Economics and Politics 360 (8): 139-145.
Lang, Ping. 2009. How Trade Institutions Promote Peace: A Comparison between Regional Trading Arrangement and Global Trading System. World Economics and Politics 347 (7): 66-72.
Lang, Ping. 2006. How Trade Promotes Peace: A Case Study of Sino-U.S. Relations. World Economics and Politics 315(11): 24-31.
Lang, Ping. 2005. International Trade: A Force for Peace? World Economics and Politics 302(10): 45-51.

Sixty Years of China Foreign Affairs, translated by Lang Ping and Jiang Fangfei, Paths International Ltd, UK and China Social Sciences Press, China, 2016.
Creative Involvement: A New Direction in China’s Diplomacy, translated by Lang Ping, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, May 2017.
Creative Involvement: The Evolution of China’s Global Role, translated by Lang Ping, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, May 2017.
Creative Involvement: The Transition of China’s Diplomacy, translated by Lang Ping, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, April 2018.