Chengyi Peng
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Tel: (86) 010-85195787
PhD – Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ,
09/2008 - 08/2011
MA - Political Science, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada,
09/2006 - 04/2008
BA - Political Science, St. Thomas University (STU), Fredericton, NB, Canada,
07/2002 - 04/2006
1.Chinese Constitutionalism in a Global Context. London, Routledge Press, 2019.
2.A Study of Corruption-prevention Mechanisms in Light of Inter-civilizational Mutual Learnings. Beijing, Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2024.
3.“A Philosophical Study of IR Theory Innovation in China - from the Perspective of Kuhn’s Paradigm Revolution”, Academia Monthly, 56:5, 2024.
4."The Obstacles of the West in Understanding China's Wisdom and Vision of ‘Pacifying the World’ and the Way to Eliminate Them", Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 1, 2023.
5.“Constitutionalism with Chinese Characteristics? Which Constitutionalism?”, Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China, eds. Ngoc Son Bui, Stuart Hargreaves, Ryan Mitchell, London: Routledge Press, 2022.
6."The Sino-Japanese Relationship in a Mega-Historical Perspective - a Study from the Debate on the Character of ‘気’," Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 4, 2022.
7."A Philosophical Reflection on the Leadership of the Communist Party of China plus a Discussion of the Essential Differences between Chinese and Western Political Civilizations," Academia, No. 9, 2021.
8."Reflections on the Construction of Philosophical and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics - Taking the Ancient and Modern Views of Corruption as an Example," Academic Inquiry, No. 12, 2020.
9. "Strategies for Coping with Western Ideological Offenses in the Perspective of Political Civilization," Internal Manuscripts of Chinese Social Sciences, No. 4, 2020.
10."The Opportunities and Challenges of Freedom of Information in China under the New Technology Revolution", The Journal of the Central Institute of Socialism, No. 6, 2019.
11."A Comparison of Confucian and Liberal Constitutionalisms and Its Implications," The Hong Kong Journal of Law and Public Affairs, Inaugual Volume 2019, pp. 23-36.
12."The Whistle-blower Protection System of Foreign Countries and Its Lessons", the Political Study, No. 4, 2019.
13."Global Anti-Corruption: Progress and Trend", in Zhang Yuyan, Li Dongyan, and Zou Zhibo, eds., Yellow Book of International Situation: Global Politics and Security Report (2019), Beijing: China Social Science Literature Publishing House, January 2019.
14."The Experience and Lesson of the Whistle-blower Protection System Abroad", Internal Manuscripts of Chinese Social Sciences, No. 5, 2018.
15."Global Anti-Corruption: Review and Trend (2016 ~ 2017)", in Zhang Yuyan and Li Dongyan, eds., Yellow Book of International Situations: Global Politics and Security Report (2018), Beijing: China Social Science Literature Publishing House, January 2018.
16."The U.S. Official Assets Declaration and Disclosure System", the America Studies, Issue 6, 2017.
17."Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West ’s Fault: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective," International Critical Thought, 2017: 7, 2, pp. 267-278.
18."Global Anti-Corruption: Review and Trend (2015 ~ 2016)",in Zhang Yuyan and Li Dongyan, eds., Yellow Book of International Situations: Global Politics and Security Report (2018), Beijing: China Social Science Literature Publishing House,January 2017.
19.“The Current of Global Constitutionalism and Its Implications,” in Liu Ming, ed. Global Governance in the 21st century: Institutional Changes and Strategic Choice. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2016.
20.“The Characteristics of Western Ideology: A Case Study of Buchanan,” Marxist Philosophy, 2016: 19, 196-209.
21.“Public Choice and State Machine,” in Ouyang Xiangying and Zhang Xinning, eds. The Western economists and Marx's Ideological Confrontation, Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2016.
22.“The Paris Terrorist Attack and the Trend of the Ultra-Right in Europe,” World Affairs, 2015, 3.
23.“The Inverted ‘Thucydides Trap’ and its strategic implications,” the Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Social Science edition), 1 (2015).
24.“The Alarming Rise of Right-wing throughout the Globe,” Li Shenming and Zhang Yuyan eds. Global Politics and Security Report (2015), Beijing: China Social Sciences Documentation Press, 2015.
25.“Western Scholars on the Middle East Crisis and Democratization,” Li Shenming and Zhang Yuyan eds. Global Politics and Security Report (2014), Beijing: China Social Sciences Documentation Press, 2014.
26. “Four Perspectives on the Western Predicament,” Red Flag Manuscript, 16(2013).
27. “Traditional Confucian Constitutionalism: Current Explorations and its Prospects,” Frontier of Philosophy in China, 8:1(2013).
28.“Current Reflections on the Western Financial Crisis Overseas,” Li Shenming and Zhang Yuyan eds. Global Politics and Security Report (2013), Beijing: China Social Sciences Documentation Press, 2012.
29.“Sinicized Marxist Constitutionalism: Its Emergence, Contents, and Implications.” Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations (peer-reviewed). 2:1 (2011).
Principal Investigator:
“The Learning of Western Mechanisms in Preventing Corruption,” the National Social Sciences Fund youth project, 2015-2020, in progress.
“A Study of Populism in Europe,” commissioned study of the National Think Tank of the CASS. 2017, completed.
The Development of the Right-wing in the United States after the Financial Crisis, funded by the Personnel Department of China, 2013-2015, completed.
An Evaluation on the Pilot Projects of China’s Official Assets Declaration, funded by the Youth Center of CASS, 2013, completed.
The Collision and Fusion of Western and Chinese Political Ideologies, funded by the Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS, 2013, completed.
"The Emerging Economies and the New International Economic Order," the
CASS Innovation Project, 2013 – 2014.
Criticism and Rebuttal: Western Mainstream Economists and Marx, the CASS Project on Marxism, 2013 - 2015.
The Issue of Constitutionalism and Socialism, CASS, 2013.
The Official Assets Declaration System Overseas, assigned research task from above, 2013.
3ed Class Prize for Policy Proposal, CASS 2017
1st Class Prize for Policy Proposal, CASS 2014
ANU Asia Pacific Week Travel Bursary ($6600 and five-day accommodations)
at Australian National University 2011
Conference Travelling Scholarship (round-trip airfare and four-day accommodations)
at Seoul National University 2011
Research Studentship ($13,400 / month) at City U. of HK 2008-2011
Research Tuition Scholarship ($42,000) at City U. of HK 2008-09
International Partial Tuition Award at UBC 2006-2008
Chancellor’s International Scholarship (full tuition) at STU 2002-2006
Outstanding Scholar Award (twice), Dean’s List (twice) at STU 2002-2006
First year Psychology Prize (only two students awarded) at STU 2003
“The Stars of Hope” Scholarship in China 1998-2001