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2021-02-26 16:20:00
Zhang Yuan
Ph. D of International Politics, Assistant Research Fellow,
Division of International Politics Theory
Tel: 010-85195787 E-mail: zh_yuan@cass.org.cn
  Research Areas:
  International Security, International Political Economy, Ethnic Conflicts
  2015.09-2018.07 School of International Relations, Peking University;  Ph. D of International Politics
  2009.09-2011.07 School of International Relations, Peking University; Master of International Political Economy
  2004.09-2009.07 School of International Relations, Peking University; Bachelor of International Politics
  Working Experience:
  2018.07-             Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  2015.12-2016.12 Research Fellow, Group of International Relations, ANBOUND Think Tank
  2011.07-2015.11 Staff Member, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University